Art space Düsseldorf

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The Kunstraum Düsseldorf is a public space in Himmelgeister Strasse 107 E in the Salzmannbau in Düsseldorf . It serves as an exhibition space for contemporary art and as an event space . It is operated by the cultural office of the state capital Düsseldorf and functions as a municipal gallery.

The Kunstraum Düsseldorf was founded in 1995 and offers around 350 m² of exhibition space. The program includes local and regional, and more rarely international exhibitions as well as the annual exhibition of the fine arts award winners of the city of Düsseldorf. The promotion of the local art scene as a priority program takes place, for example, in connection with the Art Academy Düsseldorf and the Art Academy for Media Cologne . Ulla Lux from the Düsseldorf Cultural Office is currently in charge.

Regular concerts of contemporary serious music, curated by the composer Antoine Beuger , also take place in the Kunstraum Düsseldorf, mostly independent of the exhibitions or when there are no exhibitions.

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