Kurt Peltz

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Kurt Peltz (born April 5, 1907 in Sundwig ; † unknown, after 1944) was a German political functionary and SA leader, most recently with the rank of SA brigade leader .

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Around 1930 Peltz joined the Sturmabteilung (SA), the street combat organization of the NSDAP , in which he held various leading positions within German territory until 1941. On November 9, 1936 he was promoted to SA-Standartenführer and on January 30, 1941 to SA-Oberführer .

Almost two years after the German occupation of Poland, on December 17, 1941, Peltz was appointed leader of the rifle rifle units in the so-called Generalgouvernement of Poland . Almost half a year later, on February 1, 1942, Peltz took over the provisional management of the business of the Chief of Staff of the SA in the General Government, based in Krakow . On October 1, 1942, he was regularly appointed to this position and on February 1, 1943, he was officially appointed permanent staff leader. He retained this position until May 1944. Peltz received his highest rank in the SA when he was promoted to SA Brigade Leader on April 20, 1944.


  • Werner Präg / Wolfgang Jacobmeyer: The service diary of the German Governor General in Poland 1939–1945 , Stuttgart 1975.
  • Dieter Schenk : Krakow Castle. The power center of Governor General Hans Frank, 1939–1945 , 2010.