Kurt Reinhard (Righteous Among the Nations)

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Kurt Reinhard was a Righteous Among the Nations .

Kurt Reinhard was a civilian electrical engineer and was a member of the Wehrmacht in World War II , initially in Germany- occupied Poland. There he met Elieser Thum, his cousin, Mina Scharf, and their families. Elieser Thum was classified as a "Jew" according to the Nuremberg Laws . He ran a photo shop in Tarnów . The families survived the period of German rule because Reinhard provided them with the most essential food and papers.

After Reinhard was transferred to France in 1941, he learned of the planned final solution to the Jewish question . He drove to Tarnów in 1942, shortly before the deportation began, advised the Thum and Scharf families to leave Tarnów with false papers and initially accompanied them to Kraków , where they went into hiding. After the Gestapo arrested a family member, Kurt Reinhard managed to get him free again. However, those involved now consider the situation in Krakow to be too dangerous. Reinhard advised the families that their members should go to Germany as foreign workers. So they could legally leave Krakow.

Kurt Reinhard - meanwhile released from military service - meanwhile worked in his civilian profession at Siemens in Munich . He succeeded in accommodating a large number of his friends in the area around Munich and neighboring Austria, which was then “affiliated”, and continued to look after them. So they survived the end of the war. Elieser Thum later headed the Weizmann Institute's photo laboratory .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kurt Reinhard on the website of Yad Vashem (English)