Kynaithos from Chios

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Kynaithos of Chios ( Greek Κύναιθος , * and † possibly in the 6th century BC) was a Greek rhapsode .

According to Albin Lesky , Kynaithos, who also appeared as a Homer interpolator and is possibly the author of the Apollo hymn , was the head of a rhapsody school. He is said to have been the first rhapsode to recite Homeric poems in Syracuse . Possibly this happened in the course of the official inclusion of such recitations in the urban agons , whereby the dating is also controversial here. While generally the year 504 BC Allen pleads for a much earlier beginning of this tradition in the year 704 BC. Chr.


  • HT Wade-Gery: The Poet of the Iliad. 1952, pp. 21-23