Léon Deubel

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Léon Deubel (born March 22, 1879 in Belfort , † June 4, 1913 in Maisons-Alfort near Paris by suicide ) was a French poet .

He left behind only a narrow, almost exclusively lyrical work when he, penniless, impoverished and also practically unknown in France, put an end to his life in the Seine.

The eight sonnets of the volume Die rotdurchrasten Nights , which Paul Zech published in Berlin in 1914 under the name Deubels, are for the most part not "post-poems" (as the title page suggests), but freely invented texts by Zech himself.


  • Deubel, Léon: Régner. Poemes . Preface by Louis Pergaud with a portrait de l'auteur. Paris 1913. 260 pp. (Prev. Bonn University Library)
  • Mauntz, Günther: Léon Deubel (1879-1913), His life and poetry . Dissertation Bonn 1932 (prev. University Library Bonn)
  • Frossard, Henri: Léon Deubel . Besançon 1987 (Auteurs comtois, vol. 4). ISBN 2-903670-14-5 (prev. Bonn University Library)
  • Meyer, Alfred Richard : the maer of the musa expressionistica . Düsseldorf-Kaiserswerth the ferry 1949

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