L'École du diable

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L'École du Diable is a play by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt and consists of only one act. The play was written for an evening event by Amnesty International and performed on December 9, 1994. The play was officially presented in Germany for the first time in 2012 by the Flunderboll ensemble in the "die hinterbuehne" theater in Hanover.


The devil suffers from severe depression as he sees his power on earth vanish. Humanity is bad even without his influence. So what can he do? Three of his henchmen bring him recovery through three ideas of how evil can gain new power over people. The idealism , the pragmatism and " psychologism ". These three theories are the starting point for the sneaky bad in modern human views.


L'École du Diable was adapted as a short film by a German film production company in 2005. The film production is called Senffilm Produktion . The title was retained, only with the German translation as a subtitle: L'Ecole du Diable - Des Teufels Schule .