La Pallice

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La Pallice (also known as Grand Port Maritime de La Rochelle ) is the industrial port of La Rochelle on the French Atlantic coast, inaugurated in 1890 .



During the expansion work in 1885, a caisson was overturned during the storm on the night of March 6, and 20 of the 25 workers died.


The port can accommodate ships with a draft of up to 14 m and 100,000 tons. It has a tanker terminal, a passenger terminal and ro-ro capacity and is also the base of a fishing fleet that was moved here from the old port in La Rochelle in the 1980s. The port with its 300 hectares of water and 200 hectares of land has 2,800 m quays , 21 cranes , 53 hectares of open-air storage space, 137.5 hectares of warehouses, two dry docks and four tugs .

La Pallice submarine bunker

The huge submarine bunker , which was built by the Todt organization in La Pallice from April 1941, is still standing today.

Coordinates: 46 ° 9 ′ 30 ″  N , 1 ° 13 ′ 40 ″  W.

Web links

Commons : Port autonome de La Rochelle  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung , Volume 5, 1885, No. 11 (from March 14, 1885) ( accident ), p. 112.