Laander Karuso

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Laander Karuso (* 1986 in Magdeburg ) is a German author , slam poet and musician .


Karuso mainly works as an author. In 2016 he published The Way to My Fucking Peace of Mind at the Berlin independent publisher Periplaneta . From the diary of a hobby cynic , a collection of short stories, blog entries and texts that Karuso presents at poetry slams . As a slam poet, he reached various championships and achieved some success there. He won several city championship titles as well as the runner-up title of the state championship in 2014 in Saxony-Anhalt , where he also won the song slam . Three years later he was again runner-up in Saxony-Anhalt. With Hoelderin 2019 Karusos appeared first novel.

Karuso is also active as a musician and released his debut album Come On, Koschka! In 2016 .

Karuso lives and works in Osnabrück .


As an author

As a musician

  • Come on, Koschka! (2016, frogrocks records)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vanessa Weiss: Laander Karuso: One against all. February 1, 2017, accessed on May 12, 2020 (German).
  2. ^ Periplaneta publishing house and media group, Periplaneta publishing house and media group: The world is an asshole - "Hoelderlin" by Laander Karuso - openPR. Retrieved May 12, 2020 .