Ladislau Kabat

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Ladislau Kabat (born October 1, 1977 ) is a former German basketball player . The 1.88-meter-tall builder and winger played, among others, for Telekom Baskets Bonn in the basketball league .

Player career

Kabat played from 1995 to 1999 for Telekom Baskets Bonn in the 2nd basketball league and the basketball league . In 1999/2000 he was in the service of the second division club SG Sechtem before he combined competitive sports and university studies in the United States from 2000 to 2005. During this time he played a total of 90 games for the team at Northern Michigan University and earned a degree in business administration.

In 2005 Kabat returned to Germany and played in the 2005/06 season for the Dragons Rhöndorf in the second division, followed by two seasons at TuS Meckenheim in the second and first regional division, while he completed another university degree in logistics in Remagen and then advanced his career in shipping.

Web links

Individual evidence

  4. a b  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  5. - A strong American and an old friend . In: General-Anzeiger Bonn . September 8, 2005 ( [accessed September 20, 2017]).
  6. - Ladislau Kabat changes to Meckenheimer TuS . In: General-Anzeiger Bonn . August 16, 2006 ( [accessed September 20, 2017]).