Laggar falcon

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Laggar falcon

Laggar falcon ( Falco jugger )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Falk-like (falconiformes)
Family : Falconies (Falconidae)
Subfamily : True falcon (Falconinae)
Genre : Falcon ( falco )
Type : Laggar falcon
Scientific name
Falco jugger
JE Gray , 1834

The laggar falcon ( Falco jugger ) is a species of bird from the genus of the falcon ( Falco ). Another common name, especially used by falconers, is lugger falcon.


The laggar falcon is a medium-sized falcon. Its shape corresponds to that of the Lanner falcon , with which it is sometimes viewed as conspecific . The body length is 39 to 46 centimeters, the wingspan 88 to 107 centimeters. The tail is 16 to 21 inches long. In adult birds, the top feathers are lined with dark brown and light brown. The tail is of medium length, the two middle tail feathers are monochrome dark gray-brown with a beige tip. The vertex and neck are rusty white to reddish, have black sharp lines and are bordered by a white over-eye and a black eye-stripe downwards. The throat and front chest are whitish. The sides of the chest are lightly dashed on a whitish background; The belly, flanks and trousers are more strongly spotted or banded.

The upper side of the young birds is colored similarly to that of the adult birds, but the vertex and neck are brown. The back cheeks and the eye stripe are more brown and less sharply defined. With the exception of the white throat, the underside is predominantly dark brown and variably lightly spotted. The wax skin and the eye ring, and initially the feet, are gray-green.

Falco jugger


The laggar falcon inhabits dry, open woodland, plains, cultivated land and semi-deserts, as well as cities if there are trees there. The species usually occurs only at altitudes up to 1000 meters, it has been proven up to 1980 meters. The distribution area covers almost all of India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Nepal and Bhutan ; also the extreme southeast of Iran , the south of Turkmenistan and the south-east of Afghanistan .


The laggar falcon population is estimated to be less than 100,000 specimens. The IUCN classifies the species as "Near Threatened" (type of warning list).

supporting documents

  • James Ferguson-Lees , David Christie: The birds of prey of the world. Franckh Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-440-11509-1 .
  • NITTINGER, F .; HARING, E .; PINSKER, W .; WINK, MICHAEL & GAMAUF, A. (2005): Out of Africa? Phylogenetic relationships between Falco biarmicus and other hierofalcons (Aves Falconidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 43 (4): 321-331.

Individual evidence

  1. Falco jugger in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2008. Posted by: BirdLife International, 2008. Accessed January 31 of 2009.

Web links

Commons : Laggarfalke  - album with pictures, videos and audio files