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Lallen is a disorder in the pronunciation of syllables and words , making the language sound slurred and indistinct. Colloquially, the term slurping is also used for the intentional communication of meaningless content. Lallen is also part of natural language acquisition, here one speaks of canonical Lallen .

Symptoms and ailments

The language sounds slurred and unclear, unstressed syllables and endings of words are "swallowed up". The articulation is disturbed.


Can babble different causes, such as miscarriages or birth defects in the mouth (such as cleft lip and palate [coll. Harelip ]), mental retardation or hearing disorders . A relatively common cause of babbling is excessive alcoholism or sedation, such as with intoxicating drugs .

Consequences and complications

Lallen makes the pronunciation of words and thus communication with other people much more difficult . This can disrupt social contact and lead to discrimination , isolation , social withdrawal and loneliness .


Miscarriage or birth defects that the Talk hinder, must be resolved. Speech therapy training can be helpful in learning correct pronunciation .

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