Lambertus Basilica (Hengelo)

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Lambertus Basilica in Hengelo

The Lambertus Basilica is a Catholic church in the Dutch city ​​of Hengelo .


Presumably in the first half of the 14th century a chapel was built in Hengelo, which was dedicated to St. Lambertus . Around 1500 this was replaced by a stone church, which passed to the Protestants at the beginning of the 17th century . The Catholics first had to move to a "barn church" in Woolde and were able to build a new barn church near Hengelo in 1786; In 1887 they started building a new church.
The Lambertus Church survived the Second World War without any problems. It was restored from 1948 to 1951. In 1974 the church was named a Rijksmonument and in 1998 Pope John Paul II raised it to a minor basilica . In 2002 another restoration took place.


The organ was built between 1948 and 1949 by the organ building company Vermeulen (Alkmaar). It replaced an instrument made by Gradussen (Winssen) in 1907, which had 21 stops on two manuals. As early as 1943 there were plans to build a new electropneumatic instrument with 57 registers. The new organ was inaugurated with 45 registers (2800 pipes ). It was not until 2007 that the organ was expanded as part of a restoration, to 58 stops on four manuals and pedal . The actions are electro-pneumatic.

I Hauptwerk C – g 3
Prestant 16 ′
Viola major 16 ′
Prestant 8th'
Fluit Harmoniek 8th'
Bourdon 8th'
Octaaf 4 ′
Roerfluit 4 ′
Quint 2 23
Octaaf 2 ′
Cornet V 8th'
Mixture III-IV
Trumpet 8th'
II Positive C-g 3
Quintads 16 ′
Holfluit 8th'
Viola di gamba 8th'
Vox Coelestis 8th'
Prestant 4 ′
Dwarsfluit 4 ′
Nasard 2 23
Flageolet 2 ′
Terts 1 35
Cymbel III
Dulciaan 16 ′
Trumpet 8th'
Schalmey 4 ′
III Swell C – g 3
Bourdon 16 ′
Prestant 8th'
Fluit Harmoniek 8th'
Salicionaal 8th
Holpijp 8th'
Fluit Octaviant 4th
viola 4 ′
Piccolo Harmoniek 2 ′
Basson 16 ′
Trumpet Harmoniek 8th'
Basson hobo 8th'
Clear harmony 4 ′
IV Echowerk C – g 3
Salicionaal 8th'
Quintads 8th'
Prestant 4 ′
Blokfluit 4 ′
Roerquint 2 23
Gemshoorn 2 ′
Super quint 1 13
Night horn 1'
Scherp III
Kromhoorn 8th'
Pedal C – g 1
Resultant bas 32 ′
Prestant 16 ′
Subbas 16 ′
Zacht Gedekt 16 ′
Openbas 8th'
Fluitbas 8th'
Gedekt 8th'
Koraalbas 4 ′
Ruischpijp III
Bazuin 16 ′
Trombones 8th'
  • Couple
    • Normal coupling: II / I, II / II, III / I, III / II, IV / I, IV / II, IV / III, I / P, II / P, III / P, IV / P
    • Sub-octave coupling: II / I, II / II, III / I, IV / I, III / II, III / III, IV / II, IV / III, IV / IV
    • Super octave coupling: II / I, III / I, IV / I, III / II, III / III, IV / II, IV / III, IV / IV, I / P, II / P, III / P, IV / P

Individual evidence

  1. Information about the organ (Dutch)

Web links

Commons : Lambertusbasilika (Hengelo)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 15 '56 "  N , 6 ° 47' 37"  E