Lamp designation system

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The lamp designation system (LBS) is a designation system introduced in 1994 for certain types of lamps by the Light Association in the Central Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry (ZVEI).


It competes with the more extensive "International Lamp Designation System" ILCOS according to IEC 1231. The LBS designations are widespread within Europe. Internationally, however, not all lamp manufacturers use the LBS coding.


The following applies to metal halide high pressure lamps :

  • Tubular shape with a base on both sides = HIT-DE-CE
  • Ceramic burner, tubular shape, socketed on one side = HIT-CE
  • Ceramic burner compact tubular shape with a socket on one side = HIT-TC-CE
  • Ceramic burner ellipsoidal shape quartz burner = HIE
  • Tubular shape with a base on both sides = HIT-DE
  • Quartz burner tubular shape = HIT

The following applies to high-pressure sodium vapor lamps :

  • Ellipsoid shape = HSE
  • Tubular shape = HST
  • Tubular form with a base on both sides = HST-DE

The following applies to low-pressure sodium vapor lamps:

  • Tubular shape = LST

The following applies to high-pressure mercury vapor lamps :

  • Ellipsoid shape = HME
  • Ellipsoidal shape improved color = HME

Web links

ZVEI lamp labeling system LBS (PDF 653 kB)

Individual evidence

  1. see the explanations in the catalog of the lighting manufacturer Thorn (English; PDF; 92 kB); accessed 2012