State Data Protection Act (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)

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Basic data
Title: Law for the protection of citizens
with the processing of their data
Short title: State Data Protection Act
Previous title: Law for the protection of citizens
when handling their data
Abbreviation: DSG MV
Type: State Law
Scope: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Legal matter: Data protection law
References : GS Meckl.-Vorp. Eq. No. 204-3
Original version from: July 24, 1992
( GVOBl. MV p. 487)
Entry into force on: 15th August 1992
Last revision from: March 28, 2002
(GVOBl. MV S. 154)
Entry into force of the
new version on:
April 18, 2002
Last change by: Art. 2 G of May 20, 2011
(GVOBl. MV S. 277, 278 f.)
Effective date of the
last change:
May 28, 2011
(Art. 3 G of May 20, 2011)
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The State Data Protection Act (DSG MV) was enacted in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to protect the individual right to informational self-determination . In this sense, it regulates, together with other area-specific regulations, the official or public law handling of personal data that is processed in IT systems or manually.

Content of the DSG MV

The DSG MV consists of seven sections:

  • In the first section (§§ 1–6) general and common provisions are explained,
  • in the second section (§§ 7–23) the processing of personal data and
  • the third section (§§ 24–28) regulates the rights of the data subject.
  • The fourth section (§§ 29-33b) contains the regulations for the state commissioner for data protection,
  • in the fifth section (§§ 34–39) special regulations and
  • in the sixth section (§§ 40–41) there are provisions on personal data from former institutions.
  • The seventh section (§§ 42–45) contains administrative fines, penalties, transitional and final provisions .

See also

Web links