State Association for Inner Mission in Schleswig-Holstein

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The State Association for Inner Mission in Schleswig-Holstein was founded in 1875 by committed citizens and pastors in order to meet social needs based on Christian faith. The conception of the association is based on the idea of ​​the Inner Mission , which was strongly influenced by Johann Hinrich Wichern , among others . Pastor Christian Jensen from Breklum was one of the first board members .


Today the regional association for inner mission in the Holstein area is responsible for several diaconal institutions for mentally ill people, for people with disabilities, for people at risk of addiction and for people who are addicted and for people who want care or support in old age. For these people, the state association offers differentiated support options in outpatient , semi-inpatient and inpatient form.

There are around 3,850 places available in various forms of care, plus the people who visit the advice centers and are reached through preventive measures. The association has around 2,450 full-time and part-time employees.

The State Association for Inner Mission in Schleswig-Holstein is a member of the State Association of Inner Mission in Schleswig-Holstein eV and through it is affiliated to the North Elbian Diaconal Work and the Diaconal Work of the Evangelical Church in Germany. Pastor Andreas Kalkowski is the director of the State Association for Inner Mission, and Claus von See is the managing director. Both were determined by the board of directors, chaired by the former bishop from Lübeck Karl Ludwig Kohlwage .

time of the nationalsocialism

From July to October 1933, the Kuhlen concentration camp , headed by members of the Inner Mission, was located on the premises of the regional association in Rickling . The state association in Rickling also supported the German Christians during the National Socialist era . In 1990 the State Association for Inner Mission "in recognition of complicity" in the injustice that happened to the people in the Kuhlen concentration camp, put a memorial stone on the former location of the Falkenried barracks. Compensation to the victims of the national association has not been paid to this day.


  • Sarah Banach: The Ricklinger welfare process 1930. Protestant home education on the test bench , Opladen & Farmington Hills: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Dunker: Christian Jensen. Founder of the Breklumer Mission. Breklumer Verlag, Breklum 1989, p. 33.
  2. Imprint of the State Association for Inner Mission in Schleswig-Holstein
  3. Overview of the history of the regional association. State Association for Inner Mission in Schleswig-Holstein, accessed on November 25, 2011 .