National Independence Congress of Tibet

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The National Independence Congress of Tibet (bod-rgyal-yongs-rang-btsan-lhan-tshogs བོད་ རྒྱལ་ ཡོངས་ རང་ བཙན་ ལྷན་ ཚོགས, English: Tibetan National Congress) is a political party of Tibetans in exile that took place on February 13th Was founded in 2013 in both New York and Paris . The initiators advocate the independence of Tibet under international law . One of the co-founders was the German human rights activist Tsewang Norbu . The party was launched on the 100th anniversary of Tibet's declaration of independence. The current chairman is Jigme Ugen. For the election of the Prime Minister of the Tibetan government- in- exile in 2016, the party nominated the writer Lukar Jam, who, however, had no chance against the Harvard lawyer Lobsang Sangay (National Democratic Party of Tibet).

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Weyrauch: The party landscape of East Asia . Longtai, Heuchelheim 2018, ISBN 978-3-938946-27-5 , pp. 275 f .; The launch of the Tibetan National Congress. In: Voice of America . February 14, 2013, accessed July 1, 2020 .
  2. ^ Tibetan National Congress Launched. In: Tibet Truth. February 14, 2013, accessed July 1, 2020 .
  3. ^ New Party Fuels Debate on Tibet's Political Future. In: Radio Free Asia . February 22, 2013, accessed July 1, 2020 .
  4. ^ Leader of Tibet's Government-in-Exile Is Re-Elected. In: The Wall Street Journal . April 27, 2016, accessed July 1, 2020 .