Castelen estate

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Castelen estate east facade
Castelen estate west facade
Landgut Castelen conference room

The Castelen estate is a manorial country house built in the 19th century, which today belongs to the canton of Basel-Landschaft and is mainly used by the University of Basel and its related institutions as a place of cultural activities ( Roman Foundation Dr. René Clavel , Foundation Pro Augusta Raurica, Colloquia Raurica, Jacob Burckhardt - Conversations ).

The country house stands on the ground of the ancient city of Augusta Raurica , which was founded as a Roman colony around the turn of the times. It was built in 1918 by the industrialist and Roman friend René Clavel according to plans by the architect Max Alioth and, after the builder's death in 1969, it became the seat of the Roman Foundation Dr. René Clavel . Little used for a long time, it changed completely in the second half of the 1980s thanks to the moral and financial commitment of the couple Jakob and Antoinette Frey-Clavel (a daughter of René Clavel). Thanks in particular to the Colloquia Raurica, supported by their family foundation, and the Jacob Burckhardt Talks, and the construction of a plenary hall near the country house that was inaugurated in 1993, Castelen has become a cultural center of the region and is now used by various institutions as a venue for cultural events.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hansjörg Reinau / Marianne Schweizer: Castelen-past and present . Ed .: Römer Foundation Dr. René Clavel.