Bürener Forests landscape protection area

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The nature reserve Bürener Forests with 2805.54  hectares is located in the urban area of Büren in the Paderborn district . The landscape protection area (LSG) was designated by the district council in 2007 with the Bürener Almetal landscape plan. The LSG consists of many sub-areas.


The LSG covers large areas of forest mainly east of Büren, unless they have been designated as a nature reserve for forests near Büren or as a landscape protection area FFH area forests near Büren . The main area of ​​the FFH landscape protection area for forests near Büren is surrounded by this LSG. These are contiguous forests on the slopes of the Almetal , the Flakenholz, the Schorn, the Nadel, the Brenker Mark including the training area, the Ahdener and Adler Mark, the Dicken Busch, the Großer Lohn, the areas of Hagen and Ziegenberg east of Wewelsburg as well as Langenrheine, Booklied and Lipperhohl. In the LSG there are near-natural beech and mixed beech forests as well as ash forests along the stream and other forest communities, including spruce forests, old and dead wood. There are temporary and permanent water-bearing streams, dry valleys, spring areas, swallow holes and sinkholes in the area. The karst phenomena in the LSG include, in particular, temporary watercourses and springs, swallow holes, sinkholes, sinkholes and dry valleys.

See also


Paderborn district: Bürener Almetal landscape plan . Paderborn 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Paderborn district: Bürener Almetal landscape plan, Paderborn 2007. P. 26 ff

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