Landscape protection area FFH area forests near Büren

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The landscape protection area FFH area forests near Büren with 2804.54  hectares is located in the urban area of Büren in the Paderborn district . The landscape protection area (LSG) was designated by the district council in 2007 with the Bürener Almetal landscape plan.


The LSG includes forest areas owned by private individuals and the city of Büren in the FFH area forests near Büren (DE-4417302). The other public areas of the FFH area are designated as nature reserve forests near Büren . The large main area of ​​this LSG is surrounded by the nature reserve Bürener Wälder .

Description in the landscape plan: “The FFH area represents habitats and ecosystems of European importance. In particular, the following biotope types and associations are particularly worthy of protection: woodruff and pearl grass beech forests, brook ash forests, near-natural, mostly temporary brooks and sources, rock formations, sinkholes and sinkholes, shallow slope areas and the natural diversity of species, especially mammals, birds and reptiles. and amphibian fauna. The central goal is the protection, maintenance and further optimization of the woodruff beech forests, as this contiguous forest complex within the framework of the biotope network is an important refuge and dispersal area for numerous animal and plant species of the beech forest ecosystems in the transition between the large landscapes of the Weserbergland, Westphalian Bay and Southern Mountains represents. "

In the medium term, coniferous wood stocks, mostly spruce trees, are to be converted into deciduous forests that are appropriate to the location. FFH species such as gray woodpecker , red kite , black woodpecker and honey buzzard occur in the LSG . During reforestation, non-native tree species such as coniferous wood may be planted with a proportion of up to 20 percent, individually, in groups or in groups, provided that a proportion existing at the time of the LSG designation is maintained. Non-local trees, especially hybrid poplars and conifers, should primarily be converted into mixed deciduous forests in spring areas and valley cuts as well as on areas whose floristic or faunistic protection is endangered or impaired by these non-localized woody plants, whereby emerging coniferous rejuvenation has to be removed. For the Büren municipal forest, suitable individual trees and groups of trees are to be developed into islands of old wood and deadwood and cave trees are to be preserved.

See also


  • Paderborn district: Bürener Almetal landscape plan . Paderborn 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Paderborn district: Bürener Almetal landscape plan, Paderborn 2007. P. 26 ff

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