Landscape protection area flowing waters, floodplains and small valleys

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Landscape protection area flowing waters, floodplains and small valleys southwest of the village of Wewelsburg

The landscape protection area of ​​rivers, floodplains and small valleys with 439.72  hectares is located in the urban area of Büren in the Paderborn district . The landscape protection area (LSG) was designated by the district council in 2007 with the Bürener Almetal landscape plan. The LSG consists of several sub-areas.


The LSG partially borders directly on the settlement area. It includes the meadows and lowlands of the Almetal , the Aftetal and Okental, the small Almenebentäler of Quirmeke, Hennekenbieke and Osterschledde. Due to the special geological karst subsoil , all valleys, with the exception of the Alme and Afte, are only occasionally water-bearing streams. The other karst phenomena that occur are also worthy of protection. In the LSG, water from bodies of water in karst areas largely seeps into swallow holes and crevices.

The landscape plan writes about the value of the LSG: "As a far-reaching, natural area-connecting water axis, the Almetal is of particular importance in the supra-regional biotope network of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia."

Protection purpose

According to the landscape plan, the LSG was in particular "for the maintenance, promotion and restoration of a richly structured, rural cultural landscape, which is characterized by a high proportion of grassland, riparian trees, tall herbaceous meadows, moist locations on the banks and ditches, orchards, rows of trees and hedges as well as numerous other woody structures, and for the maintenance and restoration of the functions of the floodplains of the Alme, the Afte and their tributaries as well as the natural space-typical temporary dry valleys of the Osterschledde and Alme tributaries within the regional and supra-regional biotope network. "

Prohibitions in the LSG

As in other landscape protection areas, there are a number of prohibitions . It is forbidden to affect orchards or to remove them without a permit. For the care of the orchards, including the soil maintenance, there is the possibility of funding within the framework of the contractual nature conservation (cultural landscape program). If a permit is granted to remove fruit trees, appropriate compensation and replacement must be created, including regular tree and soil maintenance. It is forbidden in the LSG to practice animal, ball, water and winter sports. Riding on roads and paved paths and using canoes on the Alme and Afte is permitted when the water level is at least 55 cm, without docking and stepping on the banks, with the exception of the entry and exit points in Ahden , Wewelsburg and in the area of ​​the weirs.

Bids in the LSG

A number of commandments have been set for the LSG . The agriculturally used areas should be used as extensive meadows, hay meadows or pastures. The arable land is to be converted into extensively used grassland. The fallow grassland areas are to be maintained extensively. The aim is to rewet the floodplain areas by closing existing drainage systems and other drainage facilities; at least the maintenance of such facilities should be avoided. Small bodies of water, blanks and oxbow structures are to be redesigned in a natural way and newly created at a suitable location. Gaps in riparian trees, hedges, fruit trees, rows of trees, rows of trees and field trees are to be closed and these trees to be looked after. No permanent pasture fences that are not typical of the landscape are to be erected and such existing pasture fences are to be replaced by fences adapted to the landscape. Pasture fences that are not typical of the landscape include permanent electric pasture fences in white or other striking colors.

See also


  • Paderborn district: Bürener Almetal landscape plan . Paderborn 2007.

Web links

Commons : Protected landscape of rivers, floodplains and small valleys  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Paderborn district: Landscape plan Bürener Almetal, Paderborn 2007. P. 26 ff

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