Landscape protection area Kloster Brunnen

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The landscape protection area Kloster Brunnen with an area of ​​1.2  hectares is located north and south of Kloster Brunnen in the city of Sundern and in the Hochsauerlandkreis . The area was designated as a landscape protection area (LSG) by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis in 2019 when the Sundern landscape plan was re-established . The LSG was designated as a type B landscape protection area - peripheral locations, landscape character . Before that, from 1993 onwards, the areas were part of the Sundern nature reserve .


The LSG is directly adjacent to the development and consists of two sub-areas. The landscape protection area includes grassland areas.

Protection purpose

The expulsion took place u. a. to ensure the diversity and uniqueness of the landscape in the immediate vicinity of the locality and in old agricultural priority areas, in particular by keeping them open; Preservation of the efficiency of the ecosystem with regard to its species spectrum and the usability of natural resources.

The landscape plan lists as a special protection purpose: "The determination serves to keep open the small clearing island around the culturally and historically significant building ensemble in the extensive, contiguous forest area of ​​the Homert."

Legal regulations

As in the other type B landscape protection areas in the urban area, the LSG prohibits the construction of structures. Construction projects for horticulture, agriculture and forestry are exempt from the ban. The Lower Nature Conservation Authority can issue exceptional permits for buildings of all kinds. As in the other type B landscape protection areas in Sundern, the LSG prohibits first afforestation and the creation of Christmas trees , ornamental branches and tree nursery cultures .

As for all landscape protection areas of type B in the landscape plan area, the requirement was issued to keep the area free of forest through agricultural use or through suitable maintenance measures.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Landscape plan Sundern - reorganization, p. 149. (PDF) Retrieved on May 15, 2019 .
  2. ^ Hochsauerlandkreis: Landscape plan Sundern. Meschede 1993, p. 74.

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