Volmer Collection Foundation

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Volmer Collection Foundation
Legal form: Foundation under private law
Purpose: Promotion of art and culture, science and research
Chair: Horst Volmer (Chairman), Bettina Baumgärtel (community authorization), Hans Paffrath (community authorization)
Consist: since 2000
Seat: Wuppertal , Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 88
Website: stiftung-volmer.de

no founder specified

The Volmer Collection Foundation is a non-profit foundation under private law based in Wuppertal . Its task is to promote scientific research in the fields of painting and sculpture . The foundation's collection includes around 800 art objects (paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc.) made available on permanent loan by the artists who have taught or have been taught at the Düsseldorf Art Academy . It provides information on artists from the Düsseldorf School of Painting . The foundation buys good paintings, drawings and sculptures from the Düsseldorf School.


  • Volmer Collection Foundation . In: Maecenata Foundation Guide 2005 . Maecenata Verlag, ISBN 978-3-9359-7544-5 , p. 365.

Web links

Commons : Stiftung Sammlung Volmer  - collection of images, videos and audio files