Lang Hancock

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Langley Frederick George "Lang" Hancock (born June 10, 1909 in Perth , Australia , † March 27, 1992 ibid) was an Australian iron ore magnate .

Hancock had a significant presence in Australian business and politics . His first great success was the discovery of the largest iron ore deposit in the world in the Pilbara region in western Australia in 1952 , the exploitation of which made him the richest man in Australia. He prepared his daughter Gina Rinehart for his successor at a very early age by bringing her to his company Hancock Prospecting as a personal assistant at the age of 19 .

Despite its economic successes, he was in his last years, especially because of his controversial marriage to the 39 years his junior, Rose Porteous, one of the Philippines immigrated to Australia immigrant known. His daughter Gina Rinehart was against her marriage to Porteous, who publicly accused her of only marrying her father because of his fortune and even poisoning him in the end, and with whom she litigated the inheritance for ten years, but ultimately settled out of court.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Sophie Crocoll: Woman made of steel. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung from 22./23. June 2013; online at .