Long Thursday

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The Long Thursday was a foray into Germany to loosen the closing law .

On October 5, 1989, the first so-called “long Thursday” ( service evening ) took place; the shops were now allowed to open on Thursdays (except for public holidays and Maundy Thursday ) until 8:30 p.m. (in contrast to the other days of the week, which had to close at 6:30 p.m., on Saturdays at 2:00 p.m.) .

Colloquially, this day was often used by the affected employees as Schlado ( Sch hite la nger Thu referred nnerstag), in some regions such. As in the Ruhr area as well as Scheilado ( Schei ß la nger Do nnerstag).

In June 1996, the Bundestag decided, among other things, that from November 1, 1996 shops could open from Monday to Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. the long Thursday, which took place for the last time on October 31, 1996, was canceled. Since 2003 it has also been allowed to open on Saturdays until 8 p.m.

Meanwhile, the liberalization of shop closing laws has advanced further. Apart from Sundays and public holidays, in many federal states there are no longer any regulations for determining shop opening times. Some shops are now open around the clock.

The term Schlado , or Schlamo (for Monday), is still used today in the banking industry and public administration.

Number of long Thursdays

In the period from October 1989 to October 1996 there were a total of 370 Thursdays, but not all of them could be opened until 8:30 p.m.

On Maundy Thursday (April 12, 1990, March 28, 1991, April 16, 1992, April 8, 1993, March 31, 1994, April 13, 1995, April 4, 1996) it was only allowed to open until 6:30 p.m. On December 24, 1992 ( Christmas Eve ) the building was only open until 2 p.m.

On the moving public holiday of Ascension Day (May 24, 1990, May 9, 1991, May 28, 1992, May 20, 1993, May 12, 1994, May 25, 1995, May 16, 1996), as well as on the fixed national holidays, the fell on a Thursday ( October 3, 1991, December 26, 1991, October 3, 1996) the shops had to remain closed nationwide.

On the moving holiday of Corpus Christi (June 14, 1990, May 30, 1991, June 18, 1992, June 10, 1992, June 2, 1994, June 15, 1995, June 6, 1996), as well as on the fixed regional holidays that are based on On a Thursday fell ( November 1, 1990, August 8, 1991, August 15, 1991, October 31, 1991, January 6, 1994, August 8, 1996, August 15, 1996, October 31, 1996) the shops there had to remain closed where the holidays were celebrated.

Thus, depending on the part of the country, there were between 339 ( Augsburg ) and 352 ( northwest Germany , West Berlin ) long Thursdays in western Germany .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. 15 years ago: Shops are allowed to open until 8.30 p.m. on Thursdays: The first "service evening" WDR deadline on wdr.de on October 5, 2004
  2. October 5, 1989 - First Long Thursday. In: WDR . October 5, 2014, accessed January 6, 2020 .
  3. Closing time: In case of doubt for the mental survey on Spiegel.de of June 9, 2004