Laodike (daughter of Antiochus IV.)

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Laodike was a daughter of the Seleucid king Antiochus IV. Herakleides, an exiled former finance minister, led her in 153 BC. Together with her alleged brother Alexander I. Balas to Rome , in order to enforce her as a candidate for the Seleucid throne against Demetrios I Soter in the Senate . The trip was successful for Alexander Balas and Laodike; As children of an ally of the Romans, they were allowed to return home with military support by a Senate resolution. Perhaps Laodice later became the wife of Mithridates V of Pontus ; then she would have him the later bitter enemy of the Romans Mithridates VI. Born of Pontos , who after a short period of joint rule had his mother tortured to death or poisoned in prison (this hypothesis is doubted by F. Stähelin (see lit.)).



  1. Polybios 33, 15, 1; 33, 18, 6 and 9
  2. Polybios 33, 18, 12
  3. Memnon , Fragment 30 in Karl Müller , Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum (FHG), III p. 541
  4. ^ Sallust , Historien , Fragment II 75 ed. Maurenbrecher