Laplace matrix

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In graph theory, the Laplace matrix is a matrix that describes the relationships between the nodes and edges of a graph. Among other things, it is used to calculate the number of spanning trees and to estimate the expansiveness of regular graphs. It is a discrete version of the Laplace operator .

Laplace matrices and in particular their eigenvectors belonging to small eigenvalues are used in spectral clustering , a method of cluster analysis .


The Laplace matrix of a graph with the set of nodes and the set of edges is a matrix. It is defined as , where denotes the degree matrix and the adjacency matrix of the graph. So the node and corresponding entry is

In particular, the Laplace matrix is ​​a - regular graph

with the identity matrix .


Numbering of the corners Degree matrix Adjacency matrix Laplace matrix

Relation to incidence matrix

The Laplace matrix can also be calculated from the incidence matrix . Let be an incidence matrix, then the Laplace matrix is ​​given by


We denote the eigenvalues ​​of the Laplace matrix, see spectrum (graph theory) .

  • is symmetrical .
  • is positive-semidefinite , especially for everyone .
  • is an M-matrix .
  • The column and row totals are zero. In particular, is with eigenvector .
  • The multiplicity of the eigenvalue is the number of connected components of the graph.