Las Trece Rosas

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Memorial plaque on the wall of the cemetery.

Las Trece Rosas ( the Thirteen Roses ) is the name given in Spain to a group of thirteen young women who were executed by Franco's firing squad shortly after the end of the Spanish Civil War on August 5, 1939.

Her execution was part of a massive campaign known as saca de agosto that killed 43 young people.

Associated people

The thirteen roses included:

  • Carmen Barrero Aguado (24 years)
  • Martina Barroso García (22 Years)
  • Blanca Brissac Vázquez (29 Years)
  • Pilar Bueno Ibáñez (27 years)
  • Julia Conesa Conesa (19 Years)
  • Adelina García Casillas (19 Years)
  • Elena Gil Olaya (20 Years)
  • Virtudes González García (18 years)
  • Ana López Gallego (21 Years)
  • Joaquina López Laffite (23 Years)
  • Dionisia Manzanero Salas (20 years)
  • Victoria Muñoz García (19 Years)
  • Luisa Rodríguez de la Fuente (18 years)

Seven of the victims were minors - they reached the age of majority at the age of 21.

Arrest and conviction

After Madrid surrendered to Franco's troops and the end of the civil war, the Madrid Provincial Committee attempted the Unified Socialist Youth ( Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas ) (an organization that emerged from the merger of the Socialist Youth and the Communist Youth) led by the 21-year-old José Peña Brea a reorganization.

He has been betrayed, arrested and tortured; under torture he revealed the names of his associates, leading to a wave of arrests of JSU members in Madrid. The Thirteen Roses were among the many JSU members who were captured and detained by police. During their detention in Ventas Women's Prison, they were repeatedly tortured and humiliated, the prison conditions were considered inhuman and the prison was overcrowded. They were finally executed on August 5, 1939 by firing squad on the wall of the east cemetery (today Cementerio de la Almudena ). Many of their comrades in prison remember that while they were being driven to their death by a truck, they sang the youth guardsmen (the JSU anthem) to be heard by their comrades who remained in prison. The victims were accused of assisting a military rebellion and murdering a senior political officer, his 16-year-old daughter and his driver.

In 2005, a foundation Fundación Trece Rosas was set up in Spain to keep her memory alive.

Web links

Commons : Thirteen Roses  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files


  • Jesús Ferrero, Las Trece Rosas , Madrid, Siruela, 2003
  • Carlos Fonseca, Trece Rosas Rojas , Madrid, Temas De Hoy, 2004

Individual evidence

  1. Preston, Paul. El holocausto español. Odio y exterminio en la guerra civil y después. Editorial Debate. Barcelona. 2011. p. 633.
  2. Egido León, Ángeles. El perdon de Franco. The representation of the mujeres in el Madrid de posguerra. .Los libros de la catarata. 2009. Madrid. P. 63
  3. Julía. Santos; Casanova, Julián; Solé i sabaté, Josep Maria; Villarroya, Joan; Moreno, Francisco. Víctimas de la guerra civil. Editorial Temas de Hoy. Madrid. 2006. p. 329