Laurence Kirby

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Laurence AS Kirby (also Laurie Kirby ; * 1952 ) is a British mathematician who deals with mathematical logic.

Kirby grew up in Hong Kong and England , studied at Cambridge University and received his PhD from Manchester University in 1977 . He then went to Paris and Princeton (where he taught for three years from 1978) before becoming a professor at Baruch College at the City University of New York from 1982 .

Kirby is best known for his work with Jeff Paris on undecidable sentences in Peano arithmetic from 1982. They proved that a sentence by Reuben Goodstein in it cannot be proven or refuted.

Kirby plays violin in classical music and publicly as TG Vanini in the folk-rock group The Princes of Serendip with Don Yacullo (piano) and his wife Julie Parisi Kirby (vocals), with whom he also made records.

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