Franz Meier (pastor)

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Franz Meier (born October 16, 1688 in Chur ; † August 27, 1752 there ) was a Reformed Swiss clergyman .


Franz Meiser was born in Chur in the canton of Graubünden on October 16, 1688 as the son of pastor Christian Meier. After receiving training at the Collegium philosophicum, he attended the University of Basel in 1704 to study theology and philosophy for four years . When he was accepted into the Evangelical-Rhaetian Synod in Ilanz on June 25, 1709 , he was allowed to work as a pastor in the canton. That year he took over the pastor's position in Felsberg , where his father previously worked. Two years later, in 1711, he returned to Chur, where he became a free preacher and, as such, also succeeded his father. From 1722 he was also active as a teacher at the Collegium philosophicum. Six years later he took over the pastor's position at the Regulakirche and in 1742 moved to both the pastor and the Antistes of the Martinskirche . He died on August 27, 1752 at the age of 63 in Chur.

Because of his parish activities Meier gained popularity with the parishioners, but left no works.
