Laurent Bricault

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Laurent Bricault (born July 24, 1963 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye ) is a French ancient historian and Egyptologist with a focus on the research of the Isis cult .


Laurent Bricault studied Egyptology at the Sorbonne in Paris a . a. with Jean Leclant and received his doctorate there in 1994 with Nicolas Grimal . In 2006 he received his habilitation in ancient religious history . He teaches as a professor of Roman history at the Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail .

His main research area is the cult of Isis and the other Egyptian cults ( Sarapis , Harpocrates ) in the Greco-Roman period. Here, in addition to numerous articles, he published an atlas of the Isis cult sites as well as corpora of inscriptions and coins in connection with the Isis cult. In doing so, he laid the foundations for the material for further research. Since 1999 he has been holding regular conferences on Egyptian cults, since 2008 he has published the Bibliotheca Isiaca series , and he is also the editor of the Internet magazine Les études isiaques .

Publications (selection)

  • Myrionymi. Les épiclèses grecques et latines d'Isis, de Sarapis et d'Anubis (= contributions to antiquity, vol. 82). Teubner, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-519-07631-4 .
  • Atlas de la diffusion des cultes isiaques (= Mémoires de l'Institut de France. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres NS vol. 23). De Boccard, Paris 2001, ISBN 2-87754-123-1 .
  • Recueil des Inscriptions concernant les Cultes Isiaques (RICIS) (= Mémoires de l'Institut de France. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres NS Vol. 31). 3 volumes. De Boccard, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-87754-156-8 .
  • Isis, Dame des flots (= Aegyptiaca Leodiensia vol. 7). Université de Liège, Center Informatique de Philosophie et Lettres, Liège 2006.
  • (Ed.): Sylloge Nummorum Religionis Isiacae et Sarapiacae (SNRIS) (= Mémoires de l'Institut de France. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres NS vol. 38). De Boccard, Paris 2008, ISBN 978-2-877-54213-5 .
  • with Paul-Jean Franceschini: Isis, la dame du Nil. Larousse, Paris 2008, ISBN 978-2-03-583672-4 .
  • Les Cultes isiaques dans le monde gréco-romain. Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2013, ISBN 978-2-251-33969-6 .

Web links