Lawson Wood

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Lawson Wood (born August 23, 1878 in Highgate , London , † October 26, 1957 ) was a British painter , illustrator and caricaturist . He was the child of an artist family.

Wood studied at the Slade Art School and worked from 1896 for six years at C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., where he also met his future wife. Then he earned money as a freelance artist. During World War I , Wood was a balloon observer and sketched for the army. After the war, Wood discovered his love for the animal world and humorous drawings moved more and more into the foreground of his work. To ensure the accuracy of the details, Wood regularly visited the London Zoo and a small menagerie in Eastbourne.

Wood gained relatively great popularity for his comic cop drawings, letters, prehistoric animals, and monkeys.

Towards the end of his life he lived in seclusion in a medieval house from the 15th century that he lived in in the middle of Sussex . He died at the age of 79.