Lê Sáng

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Grand Master Le Sang

Grandmaster Lê Sáng (* autumn 1920 near Ha Noi , Vietnam ; † September 27, 2010 in Ho Chi Minh City ) was the supreme grandmaster of the Vietnamese martial art Vovinam since 1960 .

Le Sang was born in 1920 to Le Van Hien (1887-1959) and his wife Nguyen Thi Mui (1887-1993). After a serious illness that severely affected his ability to walk, his mother recommended that he study a martial art to strengthen his legs again.

In Hanoi he learned Vovinam from Nguyen Loc . Soon Le Sang was teaching himself and developing Vovinam together with Nguyen Loc.

In 1954 Le Sang accompanied Nguyen Loc to Saigon and opened a Vovinam class there. He later opened other schools and taught the higher-graded coaches. In 1960 Nguyen Loc handed over the maintenance and further development of the Vovinam to Le Sang.

Individual evidence

  1. http://vovinam-frankfurt.de/blog/?p=157
