International life chances

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Lebenschanzen International eV is an international development aid organization based in Augsburg , which was founded in 1991.

The organization and its goals

The association was founded by doctors and social scientists who are active in German development aid or in developing countries research. Since then, projects have been carried out in Nepal , Paraguay , Peru , West Africa ( Burkina Faso , Benin , Togo ) and East Africa ( Malawi , Tanzania ).

The aim is to improve life chances in the poorest countries in the world through education, health education and counseling services, through vocational training and income-generating measures. Specifically, this happens with the construction of health centers for women and young people, with the financing of information measures about HIV , the abolition of the circumcision of girls and high-risk pregnancies , as well as with the establishment of small credit projects .

Since 1997, the association has received financial grants from German development aid for projects with construction measures from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development . The success of the on-site measures is checked by the German Society for International Cooperation or by association members.

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Individual evidence