Leegemoor Society

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The Leegemoorgesellschaft is an association of interested parties (similar to today's shareholders ) in the city of Norden (East Friesland), which has been run on a cooperative basis since the 16th century . He is one of the three old cooperatives that still meet today ( Theelacht , Altenbürgerlanden , Leegemoorgesellschaft). The 95 shares of the Leegemoorgesellschaft are distributed among interested parties who receive two payments a year and can attend the billing meeting. Most of the land of the Leegemoorgesellschaft near the north is now an industrial park .


The Leegemoor Society refers to a lease deed from Count Ulrich II of East Friesland dated October 12, 1632. However, recent research has shown that it existed as early as 1562. In a document from Count Edzard II of East Friesland dated April 23, 1562, 95 diemat were given to her . The first complete listing of the names of those interested in the 95 grasses dates back to 1613. Since then, the shares in the company have been passed on by way of inheritance and only occasionally sold.


The Leegemoor Society is administered by the so-called Technical Deputation , headed by the two fourths (oldest and youngest fourth). Attempts are made to keep the proportion of citizens and farmers the same. The Aurich district is also a partner in the company.


The land owned by the Leegemoor Society used to be common pasture, which was available to "noble" citizens of the north, who owned at least 1,000 Reichstalers . From this group, the Leegemoorgesellschaft who traditionally ( "na oll Wennst") meetings and annually probably originated Candlemas on February 2, a "nonsense" (feast) held. This is still the case today. Only East Frisian Low German may be spoken. Accordingly, the first part of the meeting is also called "Ofrekensverammeln". Only male interested parties or their authorized representatives ("Lepel guests") are allowed to participate. "Ollst Veert" and "Jungst Veert" lead the meeting. It is drunk with Doornkaat schnapps with bitter "up Leegemoor's Wohlfahrt" and smoked from long white clay pipes. A guest of honor is always invited to the cuddle and a speech is given to the ladies who are not present ("Proot för de Frolü"). The food is the same every year and traditionally hearty.

Even if the administration has been able to make respectable dividends possible for a long time, the social and community aspect is in the foreground today.


  1. ^ Aurich: The district of Aurich stirs many pots. Ostfriesische Nachrichten , February 25, 2007, accessed on December 12, 2010 .
  • Up Leegemoors Wolfahrt, 350 years Leegemoorsgesellschaft zu Norden (Festschrift), published by the Technical Deputation, written down by Ufke Cremer and Eberhard Rack, Norden 1982, ISBN 3-922365-25-6
  • Up Leegemoor's welfare, 375 years ..., continued by Johann Haddinga , Norden 2007
  • Ostfriesischer Kurier of March 30, 2005, p. 9, and of March 1, 2008, supplement Heim and Herd, p. 5 ff.

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