Leibnitz (moon crater)

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Leibnitz (moon equator region)
position 38.17 °  S , 179,54 °  O coordinates: 38 ° 10 '12 "  S , 179 ° 32' 24"  O
diameter 233 km
Card sheet 120 (PDF)
Named after Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , German mathematician and philosopher (1646–1716).
Named since 1970
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


Leibnitz is an impact crater on Earth's moon that is around 233 kilometers in diameter.

List of minor craters
Letter position diameter link
R. 39.49 °  S , 176.5 °  E 20 km [1]
S. 40.06 °  S , 172.27 °  O 34 km [2]
X 36.81 °  S , 177.51 °  O 20 km [3]

The crater was named by the IAU in 1970 after Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , a German mathematician and philosopher.

Web links

  • Leibnitz in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature of the IAU (WGPSN) / USGS