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Leitos ( Greek  Λήιτος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

He was a son of Alektryon or Elektryon (son of Itonos ). As one of the Boiotischen leaders of the Greek army before Troy he killed the Phylakos and was in turn wounded by Hector .

Leitos is said to have brought the bones of Arkesilaos back home. In Apollodorus he is listed (incorrectly as the "son of Alektor") among the Argonauts and elsewhere counted among the suitors of Helena . His tomb was shown in Plataiai .



  1. Karl Scherling : Klonios 1. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen antiquity science (RE). Volume XI, 1, Stuttgart 1921, Col. 876.
  2. Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 9, 16.
  3. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 10, 8.