Leoš Suchařípa

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Leoš Suchařípa (born February 16, 1932 in Varnsdorf , † June 14, 2005 in Prague ) was a Czech actor, translator and theater theorist.

Leoš Suchařípa first studied acting at the Prague DAMU . In the 1960s he was a dramaturge at the Prague Činoherní Klub , and since the 1980s he has been a member of the Divadlo Na zábradlí . He has also appeared in several hundred films, including the Czech-German coproduction "Adventure with Blasius" (1975) but also in films by Alice Nellis such as "Ene bene".

Suchařípa was also regarded as a brilliant expert and translator of Russian prose, including Anton Pawlowitsch Chekhov , Maxim Gorki and Nikolai Gogol , into Czech .

Leoš Suchařípa died in Prague after a short, serious illness.

His son, David Suchařípa , is also an actor.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1971: The Chance (Sance)
  • 1972: Pan Tau (TV series, 1 episode)
  • 1975: Adventure with Blasius
  • 1976: For a lifetime
  • 1977: The escape
  • 1983: The shots of Noah's Ark
  • 1983: Fauns too late afternoon (Faunovo velmi pozdní odpoledne)
  • 1984: The Secret of Apollonia (Vrak)
  • 1985: How poets lose their illusion (Jak básníci pricházejí o iluze)
  • 1987: Hamster in Nightdress (Krecek v nocní kosili) (TV series)
  • 1987: Why? (Proc?)
  • 1988: The purest drama (Dámská jízda)
  • 1988: Pan Tau - The Movie
  • 1990: Larks on a thread (Skrivánci na niti)
  • 1991: Lenin, the Lord God and the Mother (Vracenky)
  • 1993: The legacy or: Fuckoffjungsgutntag (Dědictví aneb Kurvahošigutntag)

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