Leopold Brandstätter

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Leopold Brandstätter

Leopold Brandstätter , pseudonym Leobrand (* February 20, 1915 in Wallern an der Trattnach , † February 26, 1968 in Linz ), was an Austrian esotericist and founder of the Welt-Spirale ideology community .


As a twelve-year-old at the Jesuit- run monastery school in Linz, Brandstätter dealt intensively with basic questions of philosophy and ethics . In Vienna he studied natural sciences and theology for a few semesters. In the 1930s he gave his first lectures in small groups in Linz. To earn a living, he worked as a technical businessman and department head in a large industrial plant in Linz.

Brandstätter described theosophy as the most important prerequisite and preliminary stage for knowledge of the New Era . After 1945 he got to know the works of Agni Yoga . He bought the original Russian works, which were brought to Germany by Agni Yoga followers from Riga , and thus established his esoteric work. Allegedly he got the copyright for the translations into German directly from Svetoslav Roerich , but this was denied after Brandstätter's death. While he was in charge of the translations, he wrote 36 introductory letters on living ethics from 1954 to 1959 , which, according to him, should convey the necessary esoteric knowledge and facilitate the reception of the original works.

In addition to his humanities work, Leobrand also dealt with technical problems in the 1950s, although he was significantly influenced by Viktor Schauberger , whose notes he took over in 1958. On this basis he constructed an implosionist Leobrand vortex turbine , for which he applied for a patent several times in Vienna from April 1962 onwards.

From January 1962 he acted as owner, publisher, editor and editor in charge of the monthly magazine Welt-Spirale - magazine for progress and renewal of life (from October 1962: world renewal ). The first congress of the World Spiral took place in Linz on March 24, 1962, the official establishment of the community did not follow until January 30, 1963. The training course in the summer of 1963 was attended by around one hundred members and friends. In March 1967 Leobrand was able to report that the magazine Welt-Spirale was already being read in 32 countries.

Leopold Brandstätter died on February 26, 1968 as a result of an operation. At that time there were five local groups of the World Spiral in Austria, 18 in Germany and one in Italy with a total of about five thousand members. After his death, the long-smoldering conflicts came to light, sparked among other things by his authoritarian leadership style; there were splits.


  • 1955–1961: 36 Letters Lessons on Living Ethics
  • 1957: Psychic energy (humanities and psychology)
  • 1958: Healing through psychic energy (humanities and health)
  • 1966: Joy (Philosophy)
  • 1967: the way out (politics)
  • 1968: New Europe and World ABC (Politics)
  • 1968: The new universal worldview (worldview)
  • 1968: Spiralik (architecture of the future)
  • 1953–1968: Reprints, articles in magazines, manuscripts
  • 1976: The risen God (Spiritual Science, compilation of the above articles)


  • Handbook of Religious Communities for d. VELKDE working group on behalf of d. Luth. Church Office ed. by Horst Reller, Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, Gütersloh 1978, 2nd edition 1979, ISBN 3-579-03585-1

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