World spiral

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The World Spiral - Ethical Society for Progress and World Renewal is an esoteric worldview community .


The founder of the world spiral was the Austrian Leopold Brandstätter (Leobrand). Early on he devoted himself to esotericism and after 1945 got to know the works of Agni Yoga , the translations of which he directed. From 1954 to 1959 he wrote 36 introductory letters on living ethics and wrote two books on psychic energy in 1957 and 1959 . The monthly magazine Welt-Spirale - magazine for progress and renewal of life (from October 1962: world renewal ) was published. In March 1962, the 1st Congress of the World Spiral - The Ehische Gesellschaft für progress und Weltneuerung took place in Linz . In order to contribute to the construction of a new world, a 25-point program was proclaimed, the content of which went far beyond Agni Yoga. The official establishment of the world spiral then took place on June 30, 1963 in Linz. The foundation of the German subsidiary of the world spiral under its director Gerhard Havel followed in December 1963 in Hanover. When Brandstätter died in 1968 as a result of an operation, there were 24 local groups of the world spiral in Austria, Germany and Italy with around 5,000 members.

In March 1968 the General Assembly of the Austrian Members of the Society elected Willy Augustat President of the World Spiral. Since Gerhard Havel was now actively committed to the world federalists , there were overlaps and conflicts, which resulted in the founding of an independent German world spiral on January 14, 1971, while the parent company in Linz turned more to the teachings of Agni Yoga.


In his letters on living ethics , Brandstätter describes theosophy as the “most important prerequisite and preliminary stage for knowledge of the New Epoch” and his living ethics as its essential and decisive continuation (LE 31, 588). From this he develops a complex doctrinal network on the terms spiral form , involution and evolution , cosmic magnet and power of reason . The God of theologians, the Almighty Father, is a theological fiction. At the end of 1963, Leobrand found his own concept of God UNIVERALO , based on numbers and Kabbalah . From August 1964 he developed a force field theory with which he wanted to make the structure of the universe understandable.

Between the timeless, infinite universal deity and the cosmic magnet, which has never been precisely defined, there are divine mediators of graduated degrees, including Krishna , Buddha , Christ , Mohammed , Confucius , Laotse , Zarathustra , Pythagoras , Plato , Solomon , Origen and Jakob Böhme . Under the leadership of the Archangel Michael , the light armies have been fighting with the members of the dark hierarchy in the subtle world since 1913. The latter are led by Lucifer and also have Rudolf Steiner, who fell away from theosophy around 1913, in their ranks .

Only with the help of cosmic energies can man carry out the process of expanding his consciousness. In order to increase this psychic energy, numerous practical instructions are given and a moderate vegetarianism is recommended, nicotine and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

Politically, Leobrand criticized the “nuclear giants” America and Russia as the power blocs of capitalism and communism. Instead, he called for a world empire of peace with world government, world language and world currency. The unification of Europe can only come from a neutral state, and Austria is ideally suited for this. Christianity as a religion of the Pisces era, on the other hand, is not capable of leading humanity into the Age of Aquarius . Especially the doctrine of the sacraments and their practice are condemned as magic and pagan relics.

Working method

The world spiral does not have its own cult. The work concentrates on training evenings about the works of Leobrand, lectures and the publication of the monthly magazine Welt-Spirale .


  • Handbook of Religious Communities for d. VELKDE working group on behalf of d. Luth. Church Office ed. by Horst Reller, Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn, Gütersloh 1978, 2nd edition 1979, ISBN 3-579-03585-1

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