Learning thriller

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The name Lernkrimi was first used by Compact Verlag in 2002 to place a new series of English-language readings on the book market with a completely new concept for learning foreign languages . The compact learning thrillers are didactically prepared foreign language readings with text-related exercises to train vocabulary, grammar and conversation.


The first four titles in the Compact Lernkrimi series , which were published in autumn 2002, were:

In collaboration with Christiane Neveling, professor for didactics of Romance languages ​​at the University of Leipzig , who supports the didactic concept of the Compact crime thriller for foreign languages, the Compact Verlag has now published over 100 crime thrillers in German as a foreign language, English, French, Italian and Spanish released. All titles refer to the level on the cover. The classification is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages . With the titles “Schreck Hoch Drei”, “The Mysterious Code” and “Panic in the Laboratory” in the series of student crime stories, the concept was also expanded to include the natural sciences.

The successful concept for learning foreign languages ​​was copied by other publishers and also transferred to the children's book sector.

All compact learning crime series at a glance

  • Classic learning thriller
  • Educational thriller short thrillers
  • Learning crime anthology
  • Learning crime audiobook
  • Educational thriller puzzle block
  • Learning crime language course
  • Student crime stories

According to the publisher, over 1.7 million copies of the compact learning crime stories have now been sold.

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