Learning spiral

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A learning spiral (also known as a training spiral ) is a term formulated by Heinz Klippert for a teaching method that is independent of the type of school and that essentially belongs to independent teaching , self-determined learning and self-organized learning . Learning spirals can be created for different subjects.


Learning spirals are aimed at individual support for each individual student and at the same time should reduce the burden on teachers. Comprehensive internal differentiation is intended to enable individualized learning that leads to the active acquisition of skills on the part of the student.


The basic idea of ​​arranging the fabric in spirals goes back to Jerome Bruner . According to the principle from large to small , a distinction is made between macro-spirals and micro-spirals. These are each run through in several phases and are intended to enable the student to drill into the material from different perspectives. As part of a macro spiral , a comprehensive, complex topic is broken down into several work islands . These can in turn be subdivided into so-called micro - spirals , which are smaller subtasks, like small work islands.

The requirements of a work island can be very different. Their processing is more or less strictly regulated and supported by the teacher. The respective learning corridors, which the students find and have to solve independently, range from the simple editing of a worksheet to the differentiated planning and implementation of a learning poster, an exhibition or other project. The creative leeway and responsibilities of the students are therefore different and should encourage active and productive learning . When designing the individual spirals, a variety of methods should generally prevail, whereby didactic-methodological accents can be set by the teacher. In particular, the model of the complete plot should be observed.

Student work process

Ideally, the teacher holds back and only provides support in exceptional cases. Characteristic for the work processes of the students is the spiral-shaped work, which usually ranges in different social forms from individual to partner and / or group work to presentation and / or discussion in plenary and is carried out in each case.

Individual evidence

  1. Learning spiral. Retrieved May 24, 2013 .
  2. ^ Gabriele Bleie: Lernspiralen - Methods for independent work according to Klippert. (PDF; 55 kB) Accessed May 24, 2013 .

Web links

See also


  • Karl-Heinz Beelich, Heinz-Hermann Schwede: The learning spiral. Learn successfully with a method. Vogel-Buchverlag, 2002, Würzburg. ISBN 978-3-802-31841-2 .
  • Heinz Klippert : Independent working and learning: building blocks for specialist teaching. Beltz Verlag, 2007, Weinheim / Basel. ISBN 978-3-407-62585-4 .