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A lettershop is a company that processes mailings ( advertising letters ), catalogs or other personalized items for delivery to the post office .

In the lettershop, the components of a mailing to be personalized are labeled ( addressed ) using laser printing or ink-jet processes .

In addition, the individual components are enveloped in the mailing envelope in the lettershop or shrink-wrapped in foil (usually in the case of catalogs). This is done with automated enveloping or sealing machines in which the individual components are collected. Modern matching systems enable the processing of several personalized parts, which are matched by printed numbers or bar codes.

Personalization requires professional handling of the addresses that the customer makes available. It is important that the data protection regulations are observed.

Lettershops that are members of the DDV ( German Dialog Marketing Association ) are subject to a certain self-control .

The lettershop also partially takes on the "postal" preparatory work, in that addresses are postage-optimized , address comparisons take place or the postal cleaning of incorrect addresses is carried out.