Lex Hortensia

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The Lex Hortensia de plebiscitis ("... about the plebiscites") by the dictator Quintus Hortensius from the year 287 BC. . BC was a groundbreaking law from the time of the Roman Republic .

It regulated reflexively that resolutions of the plebs, the so-called plebiscites , were henceforth legal in nature. According to the leges , plebiscita were ranked equally, because they applied to the entire Roman people. In addition, the Senate reservation ( auctoritas senatus ) no longer applies ; without the consent of the Senate, plebiscites could not be legally effective beforehand. The special significance of the law lies in the fact that the plebeians achieved equality with the patricians.


  • Heinrich Siber : The plebeian magistrates to the lex Hortensia. In: Festschrift of the Leipzig Faculty of Law for Dr. Alfred Schultze on March 19, 1936 (= Leipzig jurisprudential studies. 100, ZDB -ID 530615-2 ). Weicher, Leipzig 1938, pp. 1-88, (also as a special print).
  • Michael Rostovtzeff : A History of the Ancient World. Volume 2: Rome. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1927, p. 367 .
  • Johannes Keller: History of Roman interests. A study on advocacy, conflicts of interest and conflict resolution in the Roman Republic of the 2nd century BC Chr. München 2004, p. 135 f., (Munich, University, dissertation, 2004; digitized version (PDF; 1.49 MB) ).