Ley (moon crater)

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Ley (moon equatorial region)
position 42.11 °  N , 154.84 °  O coordinates: 42 ° 6 '36 "  N , 154 ° 50' 24"  O
diameter 81 km
Card sheet 32 (PDF)
Named after Willy Ley
Named since 1970
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


Ley is an impact crater on the far side of the moon in the northern hemisphere. It is located on the southern edge of the larger Capbell crater . The south-western edge is covered by the Von Neumann crater .

This crater was named by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1970 after the German-American rocket pioneer and publicist Willy Ley .

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