Li Zhichang

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Li Zhichang ( Chinese  李志常 , Pinyin Lǐ Zhìcháng ; * 1193 ; † 1256 ), age- old name (zi) Hàorán (浩然), another accepted name (hào) Zhēnchángzǐ (真 常 子) came from Guancheng (观 城), Kaizhou (开 州) (today Fancheng (范 城 Fànchéng), Shandong Province ). Since 1238 he was the 7th head of the Daoist Quanzhen school . During this office, he made a point of welcoming exiled scholars and other great men. The school reached its zenith during this time. When in later years at the beginning of Mongol dynasty which Buddhism was given preference, which was Quanzhen School suppressed.

Li Zhichang is the author of Changchun zhenren xiyou ji (长春 真人 西游记), one of the most famous Chinese travelogues.

In the Wuxia novel ( Chinese  神鵰俠  /  神雕侠侣 , Pinyin Shén diāo xiá lǚ ) by Jin Yong (金庸), Li Zhichang also appears as a character.


Name variants

Li Chih-ch'ang