Liaka Kusulaka

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Liaka Kusulaka ( Greek : Λιακο Κοζουλο, Liako Kozoulo , on his coins, Pali : Liaka Kusulaka or Liako Kusuluko) was an Indo-Scythian satrap from Chukhsa (ancient region in today's Pakistan near Taxila ) at the turn of the times.

Liaka Kusulaka is mentioned on the Taxila copper tablet in the British Museum .

He is named on an inscribed copper tablet from Taxila and appears there as the father of Patika Kusulaka , who was also a satrap. The copper plate dates to the 78th year of the era of the Wall . Liaka Kusulaka also minted its own coins, some of which copied those of the Bactrian king Eukratides I. They show a ruler with a helmet and the helmets of the Dioscuri on the other side.


  • AK Narain: The Indo-Greeks . Oxford 1957, pp. 146-147.
  • Sir John Marshall : Taxila, an illustrated account of the archaeological excavations , Cambridge 1951, pp. 39, 48