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Winds in the Mediterranean

The Libeccio is a westerly or southwesterly wind that prevails all year round in North Corsica . It can bring heavy seas and strong gusts from the west with it. Since it comes from North Africa, it carries hot air and fine dust from the Sahara with it. In summer it is dominant, in winter it alternates with the Tramontana (from northeast or north).

The word libeccio is Italian and probably comes from the Latin adjective libiticus or libeticus , meaning " libyan ".


  • Juan Rigo, Isabelle Moureau: The winds of the Mediterranean: Bora - Levante - Libeccio - Meltemi - Mistral - Scirocco - Tramontana. Delius Klasing, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 978-3-7688-2550-4

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