Liberal Egyptian Party

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الحزب المصري الليبرالي
Liberal Egyptian Party
Party leader Mahmoud Elphraouni
founding 2003
resolution March 29, 2011
Headquarters Cairo , Egypt
Alignment secularism

The Liberal Egyptian Party ( Arabic الحزب المصري الليبرالي, Egyptian-Arabic : الحزب المصرى الليبرالى, el Hizb el Masri el Liberali ), formerly the Mother Egypt Party , was a secular political party in Egypt that originally emerged as a grassroots movement .

The party saw itself in the tradition of the local anti-colonial activists of the early 20th century, who wanted to emphasize the Egyptian identity again. According to the Liberal Egyptian Party, Egyptian identity is based in part on national independence from the British and Ottoman empires , the establishment of a secular and democratic national government, and the formalization of the local Masri language (Egyptian-Arabic).

The Liberal Egyptian Party also sought to revive the indigenous Egyptian language , which was finally extinct in the 19th century, and to detach Egypt from the Arab nationalist policies introduced by Gamal Abdel Nasser . The party campaigned for good relations with Israel and for completely normalized relations with the West. She called for the separation of religion from politics and most civil affairs. In addition, the party advocated the introduction of the social market economy and a reduction in state influence on the economy.

The founder of the Liberal Egyptian Party was Mahmoud Elphraouni from Assiut Governorate . On March 29, 2011, the party merged with the Egyptian Social Democratic Party .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Political Party Monitor Egypt 2011. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung , November 27, 2011, accessed on May 20, 2012 .