Better dead than red

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" Better dead than red " ( English Better dead than red ) was an anti-Communist slogan in Germany during the Second World War and in the United States and other countries during the Cold War . The catchphrase is said to have been used publicly for the first time on Radio Werwolf , on which Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels had numerous perseverance slogans spread . The propaganda was intended to motivate German soldiers and civilians to fight the Red Army to their own death.

Better red than dead

In the course of the rearmament discussion (1949 to 1956) in the Federal Republic of Germany, the slogan was changed to the slogan “ Better red than dead ”. It revived during the retrofitting debate about the NATO double resolution .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Trees, Charles Whiting: Enterprise Carnival: the werewolf murder of Aachen's Lord Mayor Oppenhoff . Triangel-Verlag 1982, p. 236
  2. A lover of John F. Kennedy , US President, reported the following in her 2012 memoir: Kennedy said to her during the Cuban Missile Crisis that he would "rather see his children red than dead". - Jörg Isringhaus: John F. Kennedy's lover unpacks . On February 9, 2012 from , accessed on October 24, 2018