Ligue Nationale contre l'Athéisme

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The Ligue nationale contre l'Athéisme ("National Alliance against Atheism ") was a French association for the fight against atheism, which was founded in 1886 and was active until the beginning of the 20th century.


After the post-revolutionary Renouveau catholique had had a strong impact on the intellectual and political life of France up to the end of the Second Empire , there were many indications from the 1880s that French society was becoming a "society without God". Above all, the positivist measures to lay the Third Republic under Jules Ferry , the anti-clericalism of the radical materialists and the emergence of the socialist movement fueled great fears in certain circles. Therefore, resistance formed mainly from Catholic clergy and lay people, but also from Protestants , Jews and intellectual spiritualists .

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The presidents of the Ligue nationale contre l'athéisme: Adolphe Franck , Arthur Desjardins & Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu .

The latter category included the Jewish philosopher Adolphe Franck and the Protestant philosopher Charles Waddington , who founded the Ligue nationale contre l'athéisme in the spring of 1886 and took over the presidency and vice-presidency with the support of the publicist F. Martin-Ginouvier, who was in charge of management took over. A founding member since 1886 was the statesman Jules Simon , who fought against it since the laicism laws were passed in the Senate and was appointed honorary president of the association in 1889. In the same year he was also awarded the honorary presidency of the Ligue populaire pour le repos du dimanche en France (People's Federation for Sunday rest in France).

The Ligue nationale contre l'athéisme had its seat in No. 31, rue de Richelieu . From 1888 to 1890 she published the weekly La Paix sociale (Social Peace). It was composed of Protestants , Jews , Catholics and Deists from the academic milieu, from politics and jurisprudence. It had set itself the goal of combating atheism and its related systems. They included evolutionism , pessimism , determinism , positivism , materialism and "independent morality". Their work mainly consisted of holding conferences, the lectures of which were later published in the form of brochures. In the 1890s, a large part of its members belonged to the Ligue populaire pour le repos du dimanche en France , which appeared as a virtue organization, but was at the same time the main organ for protest against the free sale of alcohol.

After the death of Adolphe Franck in 1893, the presidency was transferred to another member of the Institut de France , the magistrate Arthur Desjardins . In 1901 he was replaced by the essayist Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu , another member of the institute .

In 1905, a few weeks before the law separating church and state was passed , Leroy-Beaulieu published a communiqué in many magazines that attacked the free-thinking program of the Paris Congress. This public protest, to which Ferdinand Buisson responded, was one of the last signs of Ligue activity.

Leaders and known members

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gil Blas , May 16, 1886, p. 3.
  2. a b c Le Gaulois , January 20, 1888, p. 2.
  3. a b Le Matin , July 29, 1886, p. 3.
  4. a b c Journal des débats , March 4, 1889, p. 3.
  5. Bulletin de la Ligue popular pour le repos du dimanche en France , No. 1, December 1889, p. II.
  6. a b Robert Beck: Histoire du dimanche de 1700 à nos jours , Paris, Lés Éditions de l'atelier, 1997, p. 299.
  7. a b Le Gaulois , 23 August 1887, p. 1.
  8. Journal des débats , June 3, 1888 & June 28, 1890, p. 3.
  9. ^ "L ' évolutionnisme , le pessimisme , le déterminisme , le positivisme, le matérialisme [et] la morale indépendante, c'est-à-dire la morale sans Dieu" Le Temps , February 9, 1891, p. 2.
  10. a b La Justice , April 18, 1892, p. 2.
  11. ^ Société centrale de protestation contre la license des rues, Compte-rendu de l'année 1892 , Paris, 1892, pp. 3–6.
  12. Journal des débats , December 10, 1893, p. 3.
  13. ^ Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu: "Protestation de la Ligue contre l'athéisme" , In: Journal des débats, September 8, 1905, p. 1.
  14. ^ Ferdinand Buisson: "Une protestation" , In: Le Radical, September 13, 1905, p. 1.
  15. a b “List des conférences”, In: Léon de Rosny : L'idée de Dieu dans la philosophie religieuse de la Chine , Paris, André 1900, pp. 187–188.
  16. Journal des débats , September 29, 1888, p. 3.
  17. ^ Gil Blas , July 23, 1886, p. 3.


  • Martin François: La Ligue against l'Athéisme. In: Revue neo-scolastique. 7ᵉ année, n ° 27, 1900. pp. 330-336. doi : 10.3406 / phlou.1900.1711 . [–5541_1900_num_7_27_1711 digitized]
  • Jacqueline Lalouette: La Libre pensée en France, 1848-1940. [Bibliothèque de l'Evolution de l'Humanité] Albin Michel, 2001. p. 163; ISBN 2226222863 , ISBN 9782226222862
  • Jacques Prévotat, Jean Vavasseur-Desperriers, Jean-Marc Guislin: "Les chrétiens modérés" en France et en Europe (1870–1960). [Histoire et civilizations, ISSN 1284-5655] Presses universitaires de Lille. Septentrion 2013. p. 349. ISBN 2757404458 , ISBN 9782757404454
  • Georges Minois: Histoire de l'athéisme [Nouvelles Etudes Historiques] Fayard, 1998. ISBN 221364845X , ISBN 9782213648453